About This Blog
I am the Case Manager and functional IT Manager for Capstone Treatment Center, a residential treatment center for young men ages 14-24.
This my personal blog, hence my name in the address.  It is focused on my journey to become who I would like to be.  All of us can find areas of improvement in how we are living, my hope is that by sharing it here I can help someone else in their quest and hold myself accountable.
The topics I cover are personal.  I write about my relationships as a husband, father and follower of Christ.  I write my insights and the resources that are helping me become who I want to be. Occasionally I go off topic, typcailly for a book review, but if you would like to improve how you are living your life, this may be the blog for you.

My Top Posts
I am waiting until the end of the year to update this section.  I am currently in the process of refreshing the content of the blog and I want to wait until I have more content that reflects the new direction.

My Biography
My wife Meg and I have 3 daughters and live in Arkansas.  We meet at Harding University where I was a Bible and Religion major and Meg was an Elementary Education major.  We stayed at Harding to add Masters' degrees to our resumes (Marraige and Family Therapy for myself and Reading for Meg).  Since graduation I have worked breifly as a therapist.  My family then moved to Baton Rouge, LA in July 2005 where I worked as the Associate Minister for the Goodwood Blvd. Church of Christ.  At the start of 2009 my family returned to Arkansas so I could work at Capstone Treatment Center, a center started by one of my professors from my MFT program.

My Contact Information
You can contact me through email or follow me on Twitter.

This is my personal blog. The opinions that I express here do not necessarily reflect those of my employeer.  All writing reflects may thoughts at the time they are written and are subject to change.

The format for this about page is taken directly from Michael Hyatt's blog.
Links to books on my site generally go to my personal Amazon store.  While the cost for such purchases is the same as the larger Amazon site, I do recieve a small portion of your purchase through Amazon's Affliate program.
Many of the books reviewed here are provided by the publisher of the respective book.  Currently laws require that acknowledge when a book has been provided by the publisher for review. While this is done in each posts where such a review should appear, I also wanted to let you know here as well.


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