Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Brining Up Girls Review

Almost 8 years ago I was in grad school, still newly married and reading Bringing Up Boys.  For some of my grad classes in Marriage and Family Therapy I was also reading Raising a Modern Day Knight and Wild at Heart.  I felt prepared for a son.  In his wisdom, God has given me 3 daughters, so I've been waiting for awhile for Bringing Up Girls.
Like all Dobson books, it is well researched.  From insightful statistics to interesting anecdotes, this book covers a breadth of information related to raising girls.  Since Dr. Dobson is a licensed psychologist who specialized in child development you would expect to discover that the bulk of the information in this book focuses on the physical, social and psychological development of girls.
Bringing Up Girls addresses the theory of brining up girls, not necessarily the practical applications.  By reading it you will have a much better understanding of the girls in your household, but not necessarily feel equipped with new tools to address their needs.  When it comes to bringing up girls, this is definitely not a "how to" book.  It targets the principles, not the practice.
While this book may deserve a place on your shelf, I would likely not pay full price for it.  Wait until you can find it used and then get it.  I think its greatest benefit is the research that it points to and not necessarily an new information.  I realize that I may be hyper-critical on the book on this point simply because of my background I have already read much of the original source material that Dr. Dobson references.

* A free copy of this book was provided by the publisher for review.


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